We are a collective of academic professionals (professors and scholars) who have studied and written about supporting undocumented communities for several years. Our goal is to assist  school, college & university, and community leaders to become more knowledgeable about this population, provide resources focused on best practices, and to serve as a repository for information, tools, and other materials that might be beneficial for collective learning and action.  The purpose of this website is to provide resources and tools to support schools, colleges and universities, and other relevant parties in preparing and responding to the ongoing changes in immigration and education policies. 
Alonso Reyna Rivarola, MEd 
Salt Lake Community College
 Liliana E. Castrellón, PhD 
San José State University
Érica Fernández, PhD
Miami University
Gerardo R. López, PhD
 Michigan State University
Click on images for bios.
Alonso R. Reyna Rivarola (pronouns: él/he) is the Director of the PACE Scholarship Program at Salt Lake Community College. He is a queer and undocumented immigrant practitioner-scholar dedicated to enhancing educational access for first-generation and low-income students, with a particular emphasis on undocumented immigrant students. Through his work, Alonso connects research and practice to highlight and confront the systemic inequities that obstruct access to higher education, advocating for transformative change grounded in liberatory practices.
Alonso R. Reyna Rivarola (pronouns: él/he) is the Director of the PACE Scholarship Program at Salt Lake Community College. He is a queer and undocumented immigrant practitioner-scholar dedicated to enhancing educational access for first-generation and low-income students, with a particular emphasis on undocumented immigrant students. Through his work, Alonso connects research and practice to highlight and confront the systemic inequities that obstruct access to higher education, advocating for transformative change grounded in liberatory practices.
Liliana E. Castrellón, is an assistant professor at San José State University. Her research interest centers immigration and education policy. She is a first generation college graduate and proud daughter of Mexican immigrants.
Liliana E. Castrellón, is an assistant professor at San José State University. Her research interest centers immigration and education policy. She is a first generation college graduate and proud daughter of Mexican immigrants.
Érica Fernández is a professor of Educational Leadership at Miami University - Ohio. Her research is anchored and inspired by the experience of her parents who were themselves formerly undocumented Mexican immigrants.
Érica Fernández is a professor of Educational Leadership at Miami University - Ohio. Her research is anchored and inspired by the experience of her parents who were themselves formerly undocumented Mexican immigrants.
Gerardo R. Lopez is a professor the Department of Educational Administration at Michigan State University. His research interests are in parent involvement, immigrant education, school-community relations, and issues of diversity/difference.
Gerardo R. Lopez is a professor the Department of Educational Administration at Michigan State University. His research interests are in parent involvement, immigrant education, school-community relations, and issues of diversity/difference.
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